Tuesday, March 21, 2006

fucking dumbass mother cat

me thinks the title says it all.

which mother prefers to leave their young in a wet drainhole compared to a warm shelter environment on a cold wet rainy day? A DUMBASS CAT, THAT'S WHO.

a mother cat recently gave birth to 3 lil kitties and at noon, she left them in the drain where the hot overhead sun was shinning mercilessly down on them. where's the mother in the meantime? away to God knows where.

i mean, come on... even i, who kinda dislike cats (i'm very much a dog person) found these newborns (who have yet to open their eyes, mind you) cute and pitiful.

my hubsterman took a piece of tile to cover the drain so that the poor things will at least have some shade.

a couple of hours later, it started to pour (tropical weather, no warning, no season). i could hear them mewing so pitifully. i took a container, lined it with newspaper and kitchen towels, and picked the little kitties from the wet drain and dried them and put them in the container. i also laid out some fish for the dumbass mother cat (she's gotta eat to be nourished enough to feed them right??!!)

guess what she does? the freakin' dumbass pussy came back, dragged her litter into the wet DRAINHOLE and came up again to feed and clean herself, all these whilst her babies were again mewing pitifully and probably drowning in the drainhole.

she won't let me near, she spits and hiss (i could probably kick her ass if i wanted to, but then the poor kitties will be motherless).

i had to hide and peep to watch all this take place, as i was afraid that she might be wary of me and gobble up her young if i sat right next to her kitties. fat load of good that do.

at the time of writing this entry, i can see that the structure and composition is just out the window as i'm still so upset with the fucking dumbass cat. i'm not going to correct this later or whenever as i want this to stay as a testiment of my anger, my irritation, my disappointment, my frustration and my sadness of the whole issue.

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